; RCHRC conducts a CME on Gynaecological cancers in association with ROGS - Media - RCHRC
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13 July, 2024

RCHRC conducts a CME on Gynaecological cancers in association with ROGS

Education and knowledge exchange were the key highlights of a CME organised jointly by RCHRC and ROGS

Ranchi Cancer Hospital and Research Centre (RCHRC), in partnership with Ranchi Obstetric and Gynaecological Society (ROGS), organised a Continuing Medical Education (CME) event focusing on advancements in Gynaecological cancers. Forty-eight gynaecologists from across Ranchi attended the event which proved to be a fruitful and enlightening experience for all involved. Esteemed experts, including Dr Usha Rani, Dr Usha Nath, Dr Bratati Guha Sarkar, and Dr Priti Sahay, graced the occasion with their presence, further enhancing the educational value of the event.

The CME comprised four academic sessions, each addressing crucial aspects of gynaecological cancers. Dr Rajanigandha Tudu, Medical Oncologist at RCHRC, spoke about the evaluation of the ovarian mass, highlighting the importance of an index of suspicion and the impact of genomics in systemic therapy for ovarian cancers. Dr Sumedha Gargy, Surgical Oncologist from Sadar Hospital, Ranchi, shared insights into the management of CA ovary. Dr Amitesh Anand, a skilled Surgical Oncologist at RCHRC, provided valuable tips and tricks for open and laparoscopic approaches to radical Hysterectomy. The session closed with Dr Deepak Kumar, Radiation Oncologist from RCHRC, speaking about advances in radiation therapy for cervical cancer, emphasising the role of vaccination in its prevention.

During the event, members from RCHRC had the opportunity to inform the audience about the comprehensive cancer care programme established by the Tata Trusts and explained the exemplary services available at RCHRC, the state-of-the-art cancer hospital operated under the aegis of the Tata Cancer Care Foundation. The audience gained insight into the facilities and infrastructure present to support their patients' needs.

Dr Shashi Bala Singh, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at RIMS and President of ROGS, spoke about the society's mission and expressed gratitude to the RCHRC team for organising this educational session. Collaborations like these help advance gynaecological cancer research, which ultimately benefits healthcare practitioners and patients alike.

By fostering an environment of continuous education and knowledge exchange, this CME event played a vital role in advancing the understanding and management of gynaecological cancers. The participation of esteemed experts and the collective efforts of RCHRC and ROGS exemplify their commitment to improving healthcare outcomes for women in Ranchi and beyond.

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