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Winning the battle against cancer
10 January, 2023

Winning the battle against cancer

After her treatment at the RCHRC, Rashmi Maya Prasad (name changed to protect patient privacy) went from being a despondent cancer patient to becoming a confident fighter, who is determined not to let cancer win

Rashmi Maya Prasad, 27, an Arts graduate from a middle-income family in Ranchi, had been experiencing increasing pain in her left breast persistently for over a year and a half. With discharge of pus and blood in the affected region, she was unable to lead a normal life, and had to quit her job.

Resigned to her fate and unable to find recourse that would provide relief, she was deeply worried when she visited our Swasth Jharkhand screening and awareness kiosk with her mother in October 2022.

After examining her test reports from previous investigations done by physicians at various other health centres, the kiosk team advised them to visit Ranchi Cancer Hospital & Research Centre (RCHRC) without further delay.

However, Rashmi was afraid and reluctant to undergo treatment as everything she had tried since her suffering began had failed to provide her any relief. Rather, her condition had worsened. She and her family were convinced that nothing could help her . But the team took the time to patiently explain the critical nature of her condition, and assured them that with RCHRC’s safe and effective treatment protocols and facilities, Rashmi would be in good hands.

With a renewed sense of hope and confidence in RCHRC, Rashmi visited the hospital with her family, where several diagnostic tests,including a biopsy, CT scan and blood tests, were conducted. The results confirmed that she was suffering from Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, and the doctors explained that she needed immediate surgery on her left breast.

This news was devastating for Rashmi and her family — the very thought of surgery overwhelmed them. At first, they struggled to come to terms with the diagnosis, but eventually, with the support and compassionate counselling provided by the Patient Navigator, they were able to find the courage and positivity needed to move forward with the procedure.

Rashmi underwent a successful modified radical mastectomy, and was put on a chemotherapy regimen. She has been recovering well since and continues to stay in regular touch with her Patient Navigator and staff nurse from the kiosk team, who remind her of upcoming appointments and help connect her with RCHRC specialists when required.

Today, Rashmi is healthier, happier, and much more confident. She has a renewed zest for life, and looks forward to a brighter future filled with hope.

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